Public Restrooms are Evolving Due to Covid-19d

Public Restrooms Are Evolving Due to COVID-19

DESIGN Public spaces and businesses are continually working on the safety of people, especially in public toilets. Bathroom companies are also developing ways to ensure this safety such as eliminating toilet plumes, or the potentially harmful droplets that spread after flushing.

[WATCH] Giant Gundam Robot Learns How to Walk

Building the giant Gundam robot started with a vision that seemed impossible. Through the hard work of some of Japan's top specialists, the vision has become a reality within six years as the robot is nearly completed.
Proteus: Material Resistant to Cutting Tools

Proteus Is the First Material Resistant to Cutting Tools

Combing aluminum and ceramic resulted in non-cuttable material more effective than locks and safes created by the strongest metals. Designed after structures in nature that resist 'attack mechanisms', Proteus is a promising material that can be manufactured easily.
Top 5 Tips to Spy on My Girlfriend's Phone

Top 5 Tips to Spy on My Girlfriend's Phone

If you are suspicious about your girlfriend's mobile phone activities and need to make sure whether she is cheating on someone or not then you can make sure about certain things by using a reliable spy app.
NeuroMarketing - The Undercover Approach to Sales

NeuroMarketing - The Undercover Approach to Sales

Sales psychology is nothing new. There are some philosophers & scientists who will tell you that marketing & advertising is 20 million years old. When flowers emerged from the gloomy forests & grasslands that populated the Earth way before we did, they used their bright colours to advertise & promote themselves to bees and other insects that could help them to pollinate.
How to Brainstorm with Remote Teams

How to Brainstorm with Remote Teams

If there's a single positive aspect coming out of the COVID-19 crisis, it's that business now sees the clear benefits of remote work. Yes, we can work at home and, in fact, many people are more productive.
How to Make Your Home and Property More Secure

How to Make Your Home and Property More Secure

If you're buying a new home or simply looking for ways to make your current home safer and more secure, there are a lot of things you can do. Many of the best ways to secure your home and your property aren't necessarily expensive or too time-consuming, and they can go a long way.
4 Reasons Food Packaging Integrity Matters

4 Reasons Food Packaging Integrity Matters

Packaging has always played a crucial role in shaping the buying decision of the customer. Hadn't it been for attractive packaging offered by several companies across the globe, their products would have never seen the light of the day.

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