New Microendoscopy Technique Can Record Images of Red Blood Cells Pixel by Pixel

DESIGN Endoscopies have evolved from taking images of the esophagus, intestines, and organs, using bulky equipment to minimally-invasive procedures using precision lasers. A new endoscopy technique, however, involves an even smaller device, one that is measured in microns, with the ability to record pixel-by-pixel images of red blood cells.
The Physics of Throwing a Football

The Physics of Throwing a Football

Whenever there is a discussion about the best way to throw a football, people will often focus on the grip, the footwork, and even the arm motion before release. What you may not hear as much is the physics involved.

German Scientists Design World's Smallest Ultrasound Detector

Using nanotechnology and silicon-on-insulator technology, scientists develop a tiny ultrasound detector that can create images of cells and small fragments of tissue. The developers hope the technology can also be expanded outside medical applications such as industrial uses.

Researchers Develop Carbon Nanotube Water Filters

Desalination processes to produce potable water are essential for all communities, especially in areas where water is scarce. However, traditional methods go through multiple processes resulting in additional costs and energy. Scientists developed artificial carbon nanotubes as an efficient filtration system.
Fungi May be the Future of Sustainable Leather-like Materials

Fungi May Be the Future of Sustainable Leather-Like Materials

Traditional leather may soon be replaced with more ethically and environmentally friendly alternatives such as fungi. Aside from commercializing sustainable leather, scientists and designers are developing other fungi-based products.
Otegaroom: Soundproof Room for Remote Work & School

Otegaroom: Soundproof Room for Remote Work & School

The remote work or school environment can be challenging when you don't live alone. To help those working from home during the pandemic, Pia Living designed a small, lightweight soundproof room that can be easily assembled.

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