4 Reasons Food Packaging Integrity Matters

4 Reasons Food Packaging Integrity Matters

DESIGN Packaging has always played a crucial role in shaping the buying decision of the customer. Hadn't it been for attractive packaging offered by several companies across the globe, their products would have never seen the light of the day.
Tom Baskind - Photography and Tech Behind Great Photos

Tom Baskind - Photography and Tech Behind Great Photos

Photos are a way to capture special moments and keep them forever, but what exactly makes a good photo? Is it the model, the photographer, the equipment or the time of the day when light hits just right?
What the Research Says About a Cluttered Desk

What the Research Says About a Cluttered Desk

What does a cluttered desk say about you? Depending on what you read or where you look, there are opposing answers to this seemingly simple question. Most, however, usually fall into one of two camps.
Can You Install Your Own Pool?

Can You Install Your Own Pool?

The warm weather months are fast approaching, and many homeowners might be wondering if they can build their own pool, and even more than that, if they should build their own in-ground pool.

Monograph Raises $1.9 Million in Seed Funding

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and say hello to Monograph. (Photo : Twitter)Monograph: the future of architecture services Tracking the progress of a project is not easy.
It's a Celebration of Career for All Engineers

It’s World Engineering Day!

World Engineering Day is set for the annual celebration. It also marks the international day of engineering and engineers by UNESCO beginning from this year onwards.

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