TECH & INNOVATIONFlorida scientist triggers a new sort of revolutionary artificial photosynthesis which can disrupt the effects of greenhouse gases and generate clean air as well as solar fuel; know more here
Lack of food resources can actually be fruitful for proper body temperature, blood sugar control as well as survival possibilities; recent study proved;
Disabled human hands can now be reestablished to normality by this amazing Bionic Prosthetics Bionic reconstruction has been well known as one of the potential trends of research.
A revolutionary move in the field of battery and small electronics may appear soon; Black Phosphorus clinched victory over silicon cell in terms usability, durability, and power processing; scientific research proved
Scientists had found a way to extract Hydrogen from Methanol without the carbon byproducts. The only byproduct in the process is water. Hydrogen is converted to electriciy tha fuels our cars and heats our homes.
Saudi Arabia wants to go green by veering away from crude oil and investing in renewable energy. Saudi Arabia, a country known for its rich oil resources with the largest petroleum reserves at 18 percent, is looking at sourcing at least 10 percent of its energy from renewable sources six years from now.
Revolutionary River Piracy: The strength of global warming suddenly changes the route of Kaskawulsh glacier's liquid streams and makes Slims river to dry up into a muddy land;
The new hybrid power system is a major step to obtain the required demand of electricity in California and increases the initiative to attain a clean environment.