The latest innovation evolved by a group of worldwide researchers proved that a leaf's natural veins can enhance the flow of power in batteries; know more here
For making biodiesel scientists genetically engineered sugarcane. This modified sugarcane also helped researchers to produce more sugar that is the raw material for making ethanol.
Now researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Germany's Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics have discovered a source of the speed-up in a common form of reconnection.
Researchers have found out that rechargeable battery that is made of magnesium and iodine will have a longer life than the ones that exist in the market.
Researchers have found out that Africa is rich of renewable energy. It can supply energy to most of the continent in 2030 only using solar and wind power .
Researchers found an efficient way on how to release solar energy. A team of researchers has demonstrated a new efficient way for the solar energy storage to a chemical liquid.
An old coal mine in Germany will now be recycled into a giant hydroelectric battery. The battery will serve as a reserve for supplying sustainable power in the area with more than 400,000 families.