Scientists have discovered a way to create hydrogen gas from biomass through solar power. Scientists have found out a way to create energy and fuel from solar power.
Mexico will stop its declining crude oil production as energy department signs 7 new contracts. Mexico has signed seven new contracts for oil production in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday.
Scientists Found An Alternative Process To Produce Biofuel By Farming Microalgae. Nannochloropsis Oceanica can store more Triacylglycerols (TAGs) which can be used as biofuels.
Since last decade nuclear smuggling is increasing rapidly. Physicists found dark matter detectors to catch nuclear conflicts. Physicists made Large Underground Xenon(LUX) detector in south Dakota to catch Dark matters but, the study was discontinued in September 2016. Now they are constructing LUX-ZEPLIN than can also help physicists to catch Uranium thieves.
Australia will be the first to introduce Decentralized Energy Exchange (deX) to help people with solar panels on their rooftops with batteries make money from the sun.
Scientists from Earth-Life Science Institute(ELSI) has found that Earth's magnetic field gets the power from the Quartz crystals. Lead researcher Kei Hirose and his team created an Earth's core like environment at their lab and found that the crystallization process of Silicon and Oxygen provides the energy for the magnetic field.
To test the benefits of the offshore wind power, the first U.S. offshore wind farm was built at Block, Island, Rhode Island. Five wind turbines that would generate a capacity of 30 megawatts was planned to complete. There are already two of these wind turbines built at the area.
Studies reveal that uranium extraction from seawater can produce nuclear power making it completely renewable. With this idea, nuclear power can be as endless like hydro, solar and wind renewable energies.
Woolly Mammoth that became extinct 4,000 years ago, now have the chances to get back into the life. Harvard University Scientists announced that within two years they will be able to create a functioning embryo of the mammoth.
Scientists from Stanford University has discovered a new component that will make batteries cheap, the urea from urine. It will also make solar renewable energy cheaper.