ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEWhen done right, agriculture has the power to do wonders for the environment. Read to learn more. The agricultural sector is the largest industry in the world, with over 1 billion employed and over $1.
Researchers recorded the rarely heard vocalizations of short-beaked echidnas during the breeding season, challenging previous assumptions about their communication abilities. Read the article to learn more.
The Siberian Ice Maiden's remains were found in a remarkable state of preservation, to the point where her shoulder tattoos were still visible. Read to learn more.
According to the researchers, the study serves as the first unambiguous and conclusive observational evidence that the Gulf Stream has been slowing and weakening. Read to learn more.
A 130-processor model discovers Deccan Traps volcanic gases caused dinosaur extinction 300,000 years before the asteroid impact. Read the article for the full details.
Archeologists have found a cluster of mysterious carvings on a rock outcropping in the Nafud desert in Saudi Arabia. Continue reading the article to find out more.
People across Britain were shocked to find that the Sun turned blue one morning, but experts said there is a simple explanation behind this phenomenon. Learn more about it in this article.
There are claims that some animals suffer from Down Syndrome too. Continue reading to learn about Kenny the tiger with Down Syndrome to really understand his condition.
Early humans battled with giant hyenas in scavenging for carcasses. Continue reading to learn more. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Stadtpflaenzchen) Early Humans Compete With Giant Hyenas in Scavenging for Carcasses Left by Saber-Toothed Cats 1,000 Years Ago [Study] Early humans were fearless and bold.