ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEPacific lampreys are jawless survivors from 450 million years ago, feeding by sucking prey's blood and fluids. They endured four mass extinctions. Continue reading to learn more about them.
In Australia's arid heart, scientists found a preserved, large, rainforest-dwelling spider fossil that is unique to the world. Check it out in this article.
Becky Milligan shared her take on the dolphin scandal involving animal rights activist Alan Cooper. Continue reading to know what she said about the incident.
For the first time in history, a disease from plants infected a human. Continue reading to learn how silver leaf disease from a fungus affected an Indian man.
UNESCO's list now exceeds 1,100 protected sites worldwide. MailOnline explores some of the remarkable 2023 World Heritage Sites. Check them out in this article.
Caribbean box jellyfish, with minimal neurons and no central brain, exhibit learning abilities, emphasizing the broader concept of learning. Continue reading to learn more.
A team of researchers developed a new imaging technique which uses microseisms in studying the mantle of the Earth. Continue reading the article to find out more.
A new species of tarantula with electric blue coloration was found in a mangrove forest in Thailand, baffling scientists with their unique appearance. Learn more about this arachnid in this article.
While invasive species pose a problem to other plants, creatures, and ecosystems, a London restaurant chef thinks they can be transformed into delectable ingredients. Read to learn more.
Archaeologists identified that the swords were spathas, typically used by cavalry officers in the Roman Empire as they rode over their horses. Read to learn more.