ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA French fish vendor buys an extremely rare blue lobster only to release it back into the ocean. Continue reading to learn the full story.
Sadie Mills, an invertebrate collection manager at New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research solved the mysterious seabed markings after several years. Continue reading to learn more.
Given how most Paleolithic rock art sites are situated in the north of Spain, this cave located in Eastern Iberia that contains distinct Paleolithic paintings and engravings is especially unique. Read to learn more.
When supercontinent Nuna drifted apart, the closed wound may have been reopened and could have triggered the resurfacing of the rosy gems alongside magma. Read to learn more.
Learn how solar energy impact has the potential to change the global energy order. Solar Energy Revolution: How Solar Panels Are Changing the Way We Power Our World The depletion of energy resources and oil crises have compelled humanity to conserve and seek alternative sources.
Scientists have discovered that small changes in GPS signals could allow them to predict large earthquakes two hours early. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Due to their role in vaccine testing, thousands of horseshoe crabs are harvested for their blood, but conservationists are pushing towards alternative methods for endotoxin detection. Find out more about it in this article.
Mountain resorts in Europe look for ways to diversify their appeal and tap alternative sources of income as natural snow becomes scarce due to global warming. Read the article to find out more.