ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe study revealed that, when done right, the carbon footprint of remote workers could be 54% lower compared to onsite workers. Read to learn more.
Researchers were able to document great white shark population declines and distribution changes, with predatory orcas being a contributing factor. This suggests the need to enhance shark monitoring strategies. Read to learn more.
Since humans are classified as primates, scientists try to determine the distinct characteristics of this diverse order of mammals. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Scientists from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences have unveiled the mechanism behind the mind-control ability of lancer liver fluke in turning ants into death-seeking zombies. Learn more about it in this article.
The colossal goliath grouper which is considered as the delight of Florida divers, are becoming vulnerable to population decline. Learn more about it in this article.
The world is poised on the precipice of an energy revolution, unparalleled changes are influencing our course. One such pivotal moment materialized in St. Louis, Missouri, where ICL Group's groundbreaking steps, in partnership with Taiwan's Alees, have positioned ICL as a torchbearer of this sustainable energy metamorphosis.
An almost completely fossilized skull of Pampaphoneus biccai, the apex predator that dominated the planet before dinosaurs, was unearthed in Brazil. Continue reading to learn more.
A huge alligator was caught on camera approaching kids who were swimming at Raven Lake in Huntsville State Park. Continue reading to know the full story.
Researchers observed that both dogs and wolves found the first five hidden food caches faster and with lesser efforts when they were able to see the storing process, which indicates that these animals could have observational spatial memory. Read to learn more.
An ancient Greek manuscript fragment called P.Oxy. 87.5575 was published, which sparked debate regarding its description of second-century Christianity. Read the article to find out more.