ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEArchaeologists finally determined the sex of the person buried with grave goods from the Iron Age after a DNA analysis. Continue reading to know the full story.
The Sadala Rauli was the first Sadala species to be found in Ecuador since they're normally located in other places around Central to South America. Read to learn more.
For the first time, scientists have discovered the genetic cause for virgin birth, thanks to the gene strands of female fruit flies. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Seismometers sensed diverse ground vibrations during Taylor Swift's Eras Tour Concert in Seattle, reminiscent of the 2011 "Beast Quake" celebration by football fans. Check out how enthusiastic Swifties caused a mini Earthquake during the concert.
The remains of a German hiker who went missing while climbing the Matterhorn Mountain 37 years ago have been discovered. Learn more about glacier recession in this article.
Thousands of infected seabirds are found in the UK coastline, marking the largest seasonal outbreak this summer caused by these birds. Read the article to learn more details.
Scientists utilize the use of AI in listening to the sounds produced by endangered pink dolphins, giving new insights to the conservation programs in the Amazon and other regions. Learn more about it in this article.
In many hardware stores and online shops, a type of light bulb is being promoted as a solution against insects getting attracted to artificial light sources. Continue reading the article to find out more.