ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe development of robotic bees can play a significant role in vertical farming and agricultural operations set in the outer space. Find out how in this article.
The Australian Space Agency is trying to verify if the mysterious object is a chunk of a space vehicle that ended up getting washed on the shore. Read to learn more.
The Labrador Retriever and Beagle, among others, made it to the naughty list. Read to learn more. The American Kennel Cub has revealed which dog breeds make it to the naughty list, which covers dogs that have the highest likelihood of having mischievous behavior.
Recent research reveals a blind fish in Mexican caves that still retain light-sensing abilities despite lacking reliance on internal daily cycles. Read the article to learn more.
Scientists classify new fish species popular in the aquarium trade, found in limited numbers along Thailand and Myanmar border. Read the article to learn more details.
In the soils of woodlands lies the red and white mushroom known as fly agaric which is associated with various symbols but can actually cause hallucinations and psychotic reactions. Find out more about fly agaric in this article.