Scientists classify new fish species popular in the aquarium trade, found in limited numbers along Thailand and Myanmar border. Read the article to learn more details.
In the soils of woodlands lies the red and white mushroom known as fly agaric which is associated with various symbols but can actually cause hallucinations and psychotic reactions. Find out more about fly agaric in this article.
Images are circulating allegedly revealing the presence of pyramids in Antarctica which could have been built by ancient civilizations. Find out what the experts claim in this article.
The pet dog died in less than 45 minutes after exposure to cyanobacteria. Read to learn more. A pet flat-coated retriever died in less than 45 minutes of exposure to the toxic blue-green algae.
Archaeologists unearthed a facedown burial near a Roman villa in Wales, suggesting a potential Roman soldier was restrained during his burial. Check it out in this article.
An Israeli archaeologist is the first to "connect the dots" of how five towns around Jerusalem could have been part of the Biblical kingdom rules by King David, though his colleagues are skeptic about it. Read to learn more.