ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEBones from an extinct sloth in Brazil provide evidence of early human presence in South America. Continue reading to learn more details.
Scientists uncover dietary secrets of the shrimp-like Anomalocaris canadensis, revealing the prey of the ancient apex predator. Read the article to learn more.
Obsidian stone knives are often associated with bloodletting rituals, but some researchers found that they were used for simple kitchen knife purposes. Read to learn more.
Analysis of the sediments found at the bottom of the ocean has led scientists to investigate the period in the rise and fall of the Roman empire. Find out more about it in this article.
A study on furry puss caterpillar has revealed that some of the toxins found in its venom came from bacteria. Continue reading the article to find out more.
A dead whale carcass fell into the bathypelagic zone, where no sunlight can touch, and the only source of light comes from bioluminescence creatures. Read to learn more.
MIT geologists develop a method to study river flow on Mars and Titan, revealing ancient Martian rivers and current liquid methane rivers on Saturn's moon. Check it out in this article.
Moles have small eyes and can see light, so they are not entirely blind. Read on to learn more. (Photo : Wikimedia Commons/ Muséum de Toulouse ) Do Moles Have Eyes? Can They See or Are They Blind? Moles are often blamed when one sees mounds in their lawns or holes in their gardens.
A new research study in Sweden had let a group of scientists to develop an approach in controlling the airflow in buildings by getting inspiration from termite mounds. Find out more about it in this article.
Lonely people's brains work differently from their peers. Continue reading to learn more. Being misunderstood often leaves one to feeling lonely. A new study suggests that the brain of sad individuals works differently from their peers, which may have contributed to their feeling of being isolated.
Light exposure was previously considered as the major reason behind the color degradation of historical paintings, but a new study reveals that humidity is the real culprit. Continue reading the article to find out more.