A study that focused on tweaking a specific gene during a chicken's embryonic stage demonstrated that this alteration led to permanent feathers growing on usually bald chicken feet. Read to learn more.
A genomic study conducted by a group of researchers suggests that the origin of human species came from a braid of branches that stemmed from migration and mixing of co-existing populations. Read the article to find out more.
Alvin, the white anteater, was initially observed last year clinging to the back of his mother. Tap the article to learn more about the world's only albino giant anteater.
A new scanning technique allows the researchers to create a 3D image of the wreck of Titanic several thousands of feet below the Atlantic Ocean. Learn more about it in this article.
A Neolithic farmer's skeleton, dating back 7,000 years, was found in excellent condition in the vicinity of Kraków in Poland. Read the article to learn more.
Five red wolf pups were born in a wildlife refuge in North Carolina and gained an adopted sibling, giving hope to their species that are already classified as critically endangered. Find more about it in this article.
A group of scientists leads the initiative in reviving the traditional dyeing technique in Japan by protecting the survival of murasaki plant. Find more about it in this article.
Scientists and residents are closely watching the eruption of Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico after it released towers of ash, threatening millions of people. Read the article to learn more details about this volcanic eruption.
One damaging chemical seemed to have slipped the Montreal Protocol in 1987, potentially slowing down the repair of the ozone layer and even putting its future to risk. Read the article to learn more.