A mathematical model was created by researchers from Princeton University to understand the collective behavior of ant colony that can help the animals survive in a harsh environment. Read the article to find out more.
Irritator dinosaurs had weird anatomy when they still existed. Read to know why. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Fred Wierum) Predatory Dinosaur Irritator Had Evolutionary-Shaped Skulls Allowing For Weak But Very Fast Bites, Jaws That Worked Like Pelicans' Irritator challengeri, a predatory dinosaur, had a surprising anatomy.
Scientists found that the oldest living creature on Earth is a jellyfish-like creature. Tap the article to learn about the earliest animals that developed into different species, including humans.
A new technique called chromosome-scale gene was developed by a group of scientists to find the common genetic heritage of all animals on Earth and found out that comb jelly is the sister species of all animals.
A surfer in Australia was brutally and repeatedly attacked by a shark just roughly a hundred feet from the shore. Only pieces of his wetsuit and surfboard have been retrieved. Read to learn more.
Upon analyzing, archaeologists found that certain stone carvings had significant similarity scores, with some desert kites located a few miles away. Read to learn more.
Scientists identified a diverse microbiome of plastic-eating fungi and bacteria in a man-made plastisphere in the coastal marshes in China. Read the article to learn more.
While an earlier study estimated that there were roughly 2.5 billion T. rex dinosaurs before, recent recalculations lowered this number to 1.7 billion. Read to learn more.