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03.23.2023 22:46 PM
Ancient zodiac paintings were found to fill the walls and ceilings of the Egyptian Temple of Esna. Read to learn more.
03.23.2023 13:29 PM
Water conservation has become an increasingly relevant topic in recent decades owing to a combination of factors including population growth, climate change, and water scarcity.
03.23.2023 13:20 PM
A huge alligator was caught in the act eating a smaller gator. Check the article for the full story.
03.23.2023 12:45 PM
Experts want to determine the cause of death of the loggerhead turtle that washed ashore in Oregon because it's rare to find one in the area. Read more.
03.23.2023 11:00 AM
The French government ordered to ban fishing in some parts of the Bay of Biscay. Read for more details.
03.23.2023 10:12 AM
A new study debunks the popular belief that the last Tasmanian tiger or thylacine died in 1936. Tap the article to find out more details.
03.22.2023 23:19 PM
What would happen if you jumped into this bizarre lake that turns animals into stone? Read the article to find out.
03.22.2023 10:44 AM
What will you do if there is a snake in the bathroom? Check out this story of a man from Thailand who unexpectedly found a python peeking from a toilet that cannot be flushed.
03.22.2023 09:30 AM
A huge alligator was captured after it alarmed the residents in St. Petersburg with its aggressive nature. Read the article for more details.
03.22.2023 08:30 AM
A microbiologist warns travelers that a hotel room still poses risk even if it appears sparkly clean. Read the article for more details.
03.21.2023 22:39 PM
Various trilobites could have had more than one hidden median eye. Read to learn more. New research suggests that extinct trilobites had a hidden third eye right in the middle of their foreheads.
03.21.2023 13:54 PM
A massive alligator was spotted crossing the street in Forest Glen Community in Naples. Read the article for the full story and watch the video.
03.21.2023 11:30 AM
The sabertooth roaming around South America had a very huge canine forcing its eyes to the sides. Read the article to know more.
03.21.2023 10:54 AM
Bears are waking up after months of hibernation as spring arrives and the snow begins to melt. Learn more about these furry mammals as they return to the outside world.
03.21.2023 10:25 AM
New species of colorful goby dartfish was identified from a museum collection in Sydney, Australia. Read the article for the full story.
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