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03.14.2023 23:15 PM
Wyoming, Vermont, and Alaska are among the best places to hide during a zombie apocalypse. Read to learn more.
03.14.2023 22:32 PM
Aerial footage of the huge iceberg that broke off from Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf has now been released. Read to know more about this great calving event and its implications.
03.14.2023 12:00 PM
A monkey was shot by a family member after it attacked a woman in Oklahoma. Read the article for the full story.
03.14.2023 10:51 AM
Using satellite observations, a pilot study evaluated carbon dioxide emissions and removals in specific countries. Read the article to learn more.
03.13.2023 22:15 PM
Some earlier dinosaurs did not have hollow bones, which suggests that the air sacs within dinosaur bones may have independently evolved. Read to learn more.
03.13.2023 22:08 PM
An unusual 2,000-year-old tomb was found to be sealed with bricks and plaster and sprinkled with bent nails. Read to learn more.
03.13.2023 11:21 AM
Some trees in California's Sierra Nevada are no longer compatible with the climate they live in, according to a new study.
03.13.2023 04:07 AM
The gold pendant dates 150 years earlier compared to the previously oldest known reference to Norse mythology. Read to learn more.
03.13.2023 00:18 AM
The seasonal seaweed bloom exploded in the tropical Atlantic in the past decade and is already staggeringly large this year. Check out how this could affect wildlife and coastal ecosystems.
03.12.2023 22:07 PM
Netizens speculated that the mysterious huge metal ball that washed up on the shores of Hamamatsu City was a spy buoy, UFO, egg, or even Dragon Ball. Read to learn more.
03.12.2023 01:00 AM
Lightning and thunder involve positive and negative charges happening in the atmosphere. Read the article to for more details.
03.12.2023 00:33 AM
Rat-tailed maggots resemble a honey bees with 1/2-inch long tails. Read the article to know if they will turn into files or not.
03.11.2023 21:00 PM
If urgent policy interventions are not executed, ocean plastic pollution numbers could triple by 2040. Read to learn more.
03.10.2023 23:40 PM
Researchers constructed the most sophisticated brain map of an insect to date, a milestone breakthrough in neuroscience that moves scientists closer to a genuine grasp of the mechanics of cognition. Read the article to learn more.
03.10.2023 11:00 AM
A homeowner wasn't charged after killing an alligator that attacked his dog. Read the article for the full story.
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