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03.13.2023 00:18 AM
The seasonal seaweed bloom exploded in the tropical Atlantic in the past decade and is already staggeringly large this year. Check out how this could affect wildlife and coastal ecosystems.
03.12.2023 22:07 PM
Netizens speculated that the mysterious huge metal ball that washed up on the shores of Hamamatsu City was a spy buoy, UFO, egg, or even Dragon Ball. Read to learn more.
03.12.2023 01:00 AM
Lightning and thunder involve positive and negative charges happening in the atmosphere. Read the article to for more details.
03.12.2023 00:33 AM
Rat-tailed maggots resemble a honey bees with 1/2-inch long tails. Read the article to know if they will turn into files or not.
03.11.2023 21:00 PM
If urgent policy interventions are not executed, ocean plastic pollution numbers could triple by 2040. Read to learn more.
03.10.2023 23:40 PM
Researchers constructed the most sophisticated brain map of an insect to date, a milestone breakthrough in neuroscience that moves scientists closer to a genuine grasp of the mechanics of cognition. Read the article to learn more.
03.10.2023 11:00 AM
A homeowner wasn't charged after killing an alligator that attacked his dog. Read the article for the full story.
03.10.2023 08:00 AM
Pando is facing a threat due to animals overgrazing on it and diseases inflicting it. Read the story for more details.
03.10.2023 07:42 AM
Analysis of the Colchester vase unearthed in 1853 shows that gladiators fought in Roman Britain in the late second century AD. Read the article to learn more about this story.
03.10.2023 06:15 AM
A dog had kept the owner away from a couch for two days and it turned out that there was a black mamba beneath it. Read the story.
03.10.2023 01:40 AM
There are no other known findings from Old Dongola that date as far back as 2,700 years. Read to learn more.
03.09.2023 22:13 PM
Social learning plays a role in how bees learn their unique waggle dance for communication. Read on to know more information.
03.09.2023 11:15 AM
After being caught roaming in the streets, the exotic cat was rescued and tested, and authorities found it was positive for cocaine. Check out this story to know more details.
03.09.2023 10:20 AM
An alligator that was raised as a pet for over two decades was back at Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo. Read the article for the full story.
03.09.2023 10:18 AM
Ambitious Dubai Creek Harbour and other popular districts to invest in Dubai in 2023. Top 6 best elite areas. Growth in property prices in 2023.
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