ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEArchaeologists have unearthed 360-million-year-old fossils of a huge fish that was a likely predator of human ancestors. Read to learn more.
This may have been the earliest brain surgery in the Middle East. Read to learn more. A grave from the Bronze Age was uncovered at an archaeological site in Meggido, Israel.
Are mice fond of cheese? Contrary to popular belief, house mice prefer peanut butter! Find out more about the myth and its origins here. Click to read on.
Researchers have confirmed the existence of an innermost solid ball of iron and nickel at the center of Earth. Discover how seismic waves were used to reveal this fascinating discovery. Continue reading now.
Discover how naked mole rats remain fertile throughout their lives & why this could lead to new human therapies. Click here to read more about this amazing discovery!
These super pigs are a mix between wild boars and domestic pigs, which can survive frigid climate and may provide a new pig problem for northern regions. Read the article to learn more.
Motherly sacrifices are showcased in winning photos of the recently concluded Ocean Art 2022 of the Underwater Photography Guide. Check them out in this article.