ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists released the first evidence of the noble false widow spider preying on Ireland's protected species: the pygmy shrew. Read the article to learn more.
A new skeleton examination of burial mounds from Europe and Asia suggests that the world's first horseback riders raced over the steppe around 5,000 years ago. Read the article to learn more.
Researchers are baffled by a female orca seen swimming with a pilot whale calf in 2021 and how they came together. Read the article to learn more about interspecies adoption.
Whales modulate their voice to hunt in the deep. Read the article to know more about the study. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Zorankovacevic ) Whales Use Voice Modulation Like Kim Kardashian, Other American Celebrities Not to Impress But Hunt Whales can modulate their voice for a purpose.
The remains of a missing Argentinian were recently discovered in the belly of a dead school shark. Read the article to learn more details about this story.
The bear discovered in 2020 in Siberian permafrost was once considered extinct, but a fresh necropsy reveals it is a brown bear from 3,500 years ago. Check it out in this article to learn more.
A fisherman shared his bizarre pre-historic-looking catch on Reddit. Check it out. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Allen Shimada, NOAA NMFS OST) Terrifying, Pre-Historic-Looking Fish Captured in the Ocean's Twilight Zone; What Is It? A fisherman shared his rare catch on Reddit.
A Case Western Reserve University doctoral student uses new mathematics to discover shrinking and chunky features of Devonian Period animals, including Cleveland's prehistoric sea monster. Read the article to learn more.
Researchers said the oldest known pollen-carrying insect, known as Tillyardembiids, might be considered a predecessor of insect pollination. Read the article to learn more.
Scientists have discovered that the scythe-clawed dinosaur Therizinosaurus from Jurassic World has "useless" huge claws that were too fragile to use for fighting. Read the article to learn to know more about it.