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02.22.2023 05:56 AM
These super pigs are a mix between wild boars and domestic pigs, which can survive frigid climate and may provide a new pig problem for northern regions. Read the article to learn more.
02.22.2023 02:45 AM
On Sunday, Park Rangers rescued a four-foot-long alligator from Prospect Park in Brooklyn, New York City. Read the article to learn more details.
02.22.2023 01:20 AM
Motherly sacrifices are showcased in winning photos of the recently concluded Ocean Art 2022 of the Underwater Photography Guide. Check them out in this article.
02.21.2023 23:36 PM
Cigarette-style warning labels added to meat products were found to have negative emotions that affected meat-buying habits. Read to learn more.
02.21.2023 22:52 PM
The woman's position and nail-shaped hole in the skull show ancient beliefs in stopping the spread of epilepsy. Read to know more.
02.21.2023 11:00 AM
The National Farmers' Union president asked for the government's help to protect the homegrown food supply. Read more.
02.21.2023 09:30 AM
There have been numerous balloon sightings in China and the United States and there are rumors that they were spy balloons. Read more.
02.21.2023 08:30 AM
Zebra's stripe monochrome pattern helps them avert from horseflies. Continue reading for more details.
02.21.2023 08:00 AM
Spiders with losing sight found in some caves in Israel, are they going to be completely blind or still see the sun? Read on to know more!
02.21.2023 04:25 AM
Read on to know the science behind earthquakes as explained by earth scientists. Continue reading here!
02.21.2023 01:09 AM
A new study predicts that the silicon-rich snow will begin at the outermost core area and grow to deeper depths as Earth cools over time. Read the article to learn more.
02.20.2023 23:47 PM
The disappearance of iconic aviator Amelia Earhart has been a long-standing mystery that several experts have been trying to explain. Here are some of the top theories to explain how she vanished.
02.20.2023 22:33 PM
The Kent monastery, attacked by Viking pilgrims and Norse invaders, was surprisingly more resilient than previously thought. Read to know more.
02.20.2023 09:46 AM
A rare encounter between a man and a shark ensued after the latter attempted to steal the former's catch. Read the article for the full story.
02.20.2023 07:30 AM
Discover how the rebound of the humpback whale population changed their courtship behavior, and the role singing played in their survival. Read on for more!
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