ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATENew study suggests that dormant spores have an electrochemical clock that wakes them up to integrate stimuli, read on to know more!
Read on to know how Zircon became one of the first Earth stones that is still visible today. The oldest known Earth material still found on Earth's surface is a mineral known as the "Time Lord" because of how well it can keep track of geologic time.
An ambitious man from Senegal has been working toward planting 5 million trees within the span of 5 years. Read to know more about this visionary endeavor.
Earth's North Magnetic Pole has shifted away from Canada and is moving towards Siberia at a rapid pace in recent years. Find out in this article what causes it to move.
Scientists discovered a giant new crocodile species with a very strong bite that lived alongside dinosaurs millions of years ago. Read the article to learn more about them.
Scientists conducted the mirror test with a dozen of Adelie penguins in East Antarctica to see if they recognize their reflection. Check out the results of their experiments in this article.
Archaeologists were able to uncover numerous mysteries about ancient Egypt. Check out some of them! Many mysteries surround ancient Egypt, and archaeologists have uncovered fascinating findings in 2022.
Japanese scientists studied the underlying relation of climate to the underwater 'marimo' algae balls that may impact decline in endangered species. Read on to know more!
A new study created a model tail of Diplodocus Dinosaur to investigate the capabilities of its tail in launching a sonic boom in a single whip. Read on to know more!