Beavers are invading the Alaskan tundra in the Arctic and transforming its landscape, taking advantage of climate change; but their dams could also accelerate global warming. Read the article to learn more.
Thanks to airglow, there is actually more to the color of the sky. Read on to find out. Though a vibrant blue sky can usually be seen on a clear sunny day, does this mean that blue is the sky's true color? Moreover, is blue the only color of the sky? According to Space, the matter is quite intricate and complicated.
Through a proof-of-concept study, research examine the potential of Twitter and online news media to help in monitoring pest spread. Read to know more.
Researchers discover the presence of tiny metallic particles within the London Underground. These particles are small enough to enter the bloodstream. Read to know more about such findings.
Coral bleaching could have implications for the survival of certain fish species as it made it harder for them to identify competitors, which led to unnecessary fights. Read the article to learn more.
Read on to know more about the bone markings found in the cave bears that indicate skin peeling! Researchers have found evidence that archaic humans in Germany were using bear skins for clothing as far back as 320,000 years ago.
A clear sunny day would give a blue sky, but is it really blue? How about at night time? Check out how the nature of light, atoms, molecules, and Earth's atmosphere affect the sky's color.