Read on to know why Belize crocodiles are dying for staying in a polluted river. Although crocodiles have a reputation for being dangerous, illegal hunting, water pollution, and development pose serious threats to the animals and their ecosystems in Belize.
Scientists found evidence of activity from multiple species of hominins or early humans all over the Aegean Islands that dates back 450,000 years ago. Read the article to learn more.
Adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides and Particulate Matter (Med SOx ECA) is set to come into effect on 1 May 2025.
Read on to know why male wasps use their prickly, stingy penis to get away with murder. Only female wasps have the tools needed to sting and poison predators.
Because of climate changes, rainbows are bound to occur more frequently in some areas and less frequently in others. Read to know more about these findings.
A novel study of fishes indicates animal lenses can show exposure to harmful mercury that can affect growth and reproduction of the fishes. Read on to know more!
Climate data reveals that ancient nomadic leader Attila the Hun raided Roman provinces due to drought and scarce resources. Read on to know more about the study.
Climate change is having a faster-than-expected impact on Churchill, Manitoba in Canada, where bears are returning. Read on to know how it affects these creatures.