ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEHuman body parts found in the Danish region are proof of living sacrifice in ancient Denmark. Read on to know more about this news!
A woman and kid were allegedly killed in Louisiana by a winter storm system traveling across the south; it is now headed for Florida. Continue reading to find out more about the incident.
Researchers in Australia and the US found the first evidence of a two-part female sexual organ called hemiclitoris after examining nine species of snakes. Check it out in this article to learn more details.
Immune systems of children were observed to be significantly better after spending 5 times a week, for four weeks, in green spaces. Read to know more about the interesting findings.
A recent study digged into how climate change can lead lakes to turn green-brown. Read to know more about these recent findings and how serious climate change is.
Read on to know how the teeth of ancient lemurs uncovered surprising hints about human evolution. Several studies show that the teeth from an extinct monkey species can provide information on the ages of human ancestor fossils.
Northern White Rhino's first-ever Primordial Germ Cells successfully created after a global research effort. Read on to know more about this news here!
Recent findings reveal that soil erosion rates have jumped up by over a thousand times compared to before. Read to know more about these findings and their implications for the environment.
Living fossils are believed to have been alive with the dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago. But which one of them has been living the longest on Earth? Find out the oldest living species in this article.
A new study reveals that desert kites seen in the Arabian desert may be used as mass hunting traps by previous hunters. Know more about this study here. Read now.