ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEPaleontologists found a duck-sized animal's body was streamlined for seeking prey underwater. Other paleontologists believe additional research is needed to validate the discovery. Read more here!
Thousands of cars are jammed on a Hawaii highway where the lava from Mauna Loa volcano could flow as it becomes an impromptu viewing point. Check for more details in this article.
After much analysis, researchers confirmed t that a bone found in the 1980s dates back to 17,000 years ago and that it was a dog's bone. Read to know more about their findings about this canine bone.
Read on to know how optical illusions fool the flies and avoid landing on zebras. In recent years, scientists discovered the purpose of zebras' black and white stripes: to protect them from biting insects.
Read on to know how planktons and nanoparticles would help keep excess carbon dioxide in the ocean. An international study showed there might be a pressing need to enlist some of our planet's tiniest residents in the urgent effort to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Read on to know why NASA said rising sea levels could flood US coastal cities by 2050. Low-lying coastal communities in the US may face flooding much more regularly in the following decades, according to NASA, which stated that sea levels are likely increasing faster than previously thought.
The submerged remains of an ancient Greek city have been uncovered in modern-day Turkiye due to receding water brought about by months of drought. Check out this archaeological marvel in this article.
Bats' vocal structures for echolocation and social communication ranges up to 7 octaves on piano scale, according to studies. Learn more about this news here, read now!