ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATERecent research sheds light into the cause behind the massive extinction that took place 550 years ago. Read to know what led to the death of thousands of Ediacaran species.
Previous studies have shown that an octopus is a highly intelligent animal with a complex nervous system, but now scientists show how their brains are similar to humans.
Researchers have revived more than a dozen ancient zombie viruses that have been laying dormant in Siberian permafrost. Find out in this article how studying them will benefit public health.
The idea of dimming the sun may no longer be science fiction as more scientists want to study solar geoengineering in a desperate move to alleviate warming temperatures. Read the article to find out more.
Read on to know why scientists want to alter insects' behavior through sex hormones. Farmers use pesticides to prevent their crops from being destroyed by pests.
The woman claims Bigfoot snuck into her ranch in Mendocino County, Northern California, which is a sasquatch hotspot. Check out the full story in this article.
Century-old spider monkey relics were found in Mexico. These served as a form of sacrifice that strengthened the ties between ancient Maya and Teotihuacan people. Learn more about this news here.