ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEParasitic passengers of the whales, as well as barnacles, on a calf and a mother, are seen in photographs as they migrated south towards Antarctica. Read to know more.
Fossils of fishes were found in North Dakota. The scientists believe that the fishes died due to the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs in Chicxulub. Continue reading for more update.
A team of researchers successfully reached the deep sea trenches and earthquake site which is considered as the first human descent. Read on to get to know more about this exciting exploration.
UC Davis researchers found amargosa vole pups in the Mojave desert. Is this a sign that the conservation project is working? Continue reading to know more details.
Experts weigh in on whether cockroaches could survive a nuclear war that can kill the rest of Earth's species. Read the article to find out the answer.
The geological agency released new tsunami hazard maps for the first time since 2009, highlighting seven counties at risk. Read to know what these counties are.