ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearchers reported that “spillover risk increases with runoff” from glacier melt, a substitute for climate change. Read to know more about it.
A TikTok user filmed finding the "giant random animal part" on the Australian beach. Find out what scientists said about whether it is a whale's phallus or not.
Will the Mississippi River dry up now that it is nearing historic lows due to severe drought? Find out the answer through this article as this year's high temperatures are threatening US commerce and supply chain.
Identifying how fire ants alter lizards’ immune profile provides information on a way native species can adjust to changing ecological conditions. Read this article to know more.
A United Kingdom-based startup has developed a new solution that’s making plastics self-destruct if they escape into the environment. Read to know more.
Ancient stone tools from Tune Wielki cave in Malopolska about 550,000 years old, were discovered. Early humans who made them were examined, too. Read to know more.
A pelican eel features a wide-gape that resembles the pelican's beak, it allows the fish to eat much prey in just one opening. Know more interesting facts about pelican eel here, read now!
A new study suggests that the streaked shearwater seabirds learned to fly towards the eye of the storm. Know how these birds are capable of such abilities, read here now!
Melting permafrost soil can emit much more carbon like the industrialized countries do. Learn about its implications to climate change and join the conversation by reading here now!
Wings on flightless birds do not seem to make sense, so what's the deal with them hanging around if they have lost their original function? Learn the answer through this article to know how these birds use their wings on land.
Read on to know how Emmauel, the famous emu TikToker, and the rest of its team got an avian flu. Knuckle Bump Farms recently suffered a tragedy when avian flu claimed most of its domesticated poultry.