ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEKiska has been held in captivity for 43 years and kept isolated for 11 years, making her the world's loneliest orca. Find out why being isolated is equivalent to torture.
The “sedaDNA” is possible to prove helpful in the ongoing initiatives to understand how climate change could impact Antarctica in the future. Read this article to know more.
Scientists found a black frog, which is believed to be a green frog. It was found near the Chernobyl nuclear plant. Read on to know more about this mutant frog.
The tunnel valleys were carved into the ancient seafloor by the meltwater from beneath the ice sheets. Check out how the discovery gives insights into how climate change will affect the modern ice sheet.
A new study confirms a theory that a massive ocean moves to the transition zone which further advances Jules Verne's theory. Read on to know about the discovery.
A New Yorker is suspected of crossing the border from Canada in July with huge Burmese pythons concealed in his pants. Read on to know about the nature of these pythons.
Seventy-six skeletons reveal evidence that the hearts of these children were taken out and that, they were victims of child sacrifice. Read to know more.
Read on to know why dumbo octopus sightings give rare peek at these cute creatures of the deep. The ocean is known for containing eerie-looking creatures like giant mystery squid and angler fish.
Video footage shows a pair of 10-foot snakes can be watched writhing on the floor and grappling each other to the brink of exhaustion. Read to know more.
A new study suggests that megafauna could have been thriving in New Guinea before the existence of mankind for 20,000 years. Know more about this study here. Read now!
Glacier melt is one of the biggest issues today due to climate change. But are you aware of its scope in terms of endangering the environment? Read on to know more.
Check out the bizarre video of a stream of thousands of suffocating fish crawling along the sand in this article and find out what could have caused this phenomenon.
Chicxulub impact triggered a month-long mega-earthquake that caused the demise of dinosaurs, according to study. Learn more about this research here, read now!