ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists estimate that the global ant population is about 20,000,000,000,000,000 and is heavier than the combined weight of mammals and birds. Read the article to know the details.
Iceland's Mount Fagradalsfjall eruption in March 2021 serves as a blessing for the geologist to further study the land formation. Continue reading to know the full story.
The earthquake resulted in the death of one person and a tsunami warning, which was later revised. Tap the article to know more details of this disaster that happened on the anniversaries of the 1985 and 2017 earthquakes.
Read on to know why alligators in Texas are trying to attack humans for blood. Alligators in a lake in Texas appear to have begun to crave human blood by attacking boats for unclear reasons.
Researchers discovered a remarkable record of how East Antarctic Ice Sheet is responding to climate change over a period of 100,000 years. Read to know more.
Paleontologists claim they discover the most unique fossilized skin of a hadrosaurs in Alberta. How does the fossil differ from earlier discoveries? Read here to know more!
Thousands of crocodiles, gathered into a Brazilian coast allegedly leaves locals panicking. Read this article to know more about the crocodiles behavior and the beach coast they 'invaded.'
Megamouth sharks were only seen by humans 269 times and experts said these species could grow up to 18 feet. Read the article to know more about these extremely rare sharks.
The man from the UK was playing on his PlayStation when he heard a loud boom and felt a heavy sensation across his body after getting hit by a lightning strike. Check out more details in this article.
The oldest heart in the world was found in a 380-million-years-old Gogo fish in Australia. Read on to know what the paleontologist said about the "jaw-dropping discovery."