ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists say water vapor injected into the stratosphere by the volcanic eruption this year may have a slight yet temporary warming effect. Read to know more.
Is September 19 a bad omen in Mexico? In three different years, the country experienced massive earthquakes on the same day that killed thousands of people. Find out how likely it is for such a phenomenon to happen.
Scientists from china have managed to clone an arctic wolf, using the somatic cell nuclear transfer technique. Read to know more about this cloning method.
Through the effort of scientists and leaders worldwide, the ozone layer hole may close for good in 50 years. How is it possible? Read on to know more about it.
The big gray rat snake found in a toilet in Alabama is considered a harmless and non-venomous species. Learn more about this snake through this article.
A new study links the amphibian die-off in Costa Rica and Panama with the spike in malaria cases in Central America, demonstrating their importance to biodiversity and human health. Read the article to learn more.
Archaeologists used a combination of techniques to confirm the source of the Thera Volcano eruption and pin down when it took place. Read the article to learn more.
Archeologists found a circular structure near Prague, which they believed was built 7,000 years ago. Read on to know more about the mysterious structure.
Wildlife biologists have been sent to investigate the 14 sperm whales washed ashore off Tasmania's northwest coast that died from a mysterious cause. Check out the whole story in this article.
A Crocodile handler miraculously escaped death after a 16-foot crocodile launched an attack on him in front of terrified tourists. Read to know more about it.
Researchers in China unearthed 2-million-year-old dinosaur eggs, showing a clear drop in their biodiversity. Tap the article to know more about how dinosaurs went extinct.
The supervolcano accountable for the most massive eruption over the last 5,000 years 'has been cranked up a level on the alert stakes.’ Read to know more.
A team of researchers found a fossil in China, which belongs to the hylobatid ape family. Could this gibbon be the ancestor of all surviving species? Read on to know the new discovery.
Demure male albatrosses tend to be scared of confrontation due to mating challenges, so they are likely to get divorced. Read the article to know the details.