ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe unique circular formation in the deep waters enabled scientists to notice the basking sharks. Read more to know why they swim in circles.
What will happen when the Thwaites Glacier, also known as "Doomsday Glacier," disintegrates? Find out what scientists said in the latest study that showed the gradual decrease of the Houston-sized glacier.
The study of the skeletons and skulls of the three mummified remains revealed they were brutally killed during their lifetime. Read to know more about it.
A resident in Clermont Florida saw a puss caterpillar that's really hairy. Experts warn not to touch it. Continue reading to learn more about the venomous creature.
If the diamond factory does exist in the core-mantle boundary of Earth, it might explain the weird things in the mantle. Read on to find out more about this topic.
The baby dolphin rescued and fed day and night for weeks by volunteers and veterinarians after has died despite all the initiatives exerted. Read to know more.
LOOK: A Reddit user said that a snake tied up lead itself to die. Read here to know more! A wild snake was captured by a photographer that knotted itself and later died on the porch of the Reddit user who took the photo.
A child's skeleton from 31,000 years ago had its left foot amputated and apparently survived for nearly 10 years, making it the oldest evidence of surgical limb amputation. Read the article to learn more.
The fatal duel between the Rim Rock crowned snake and the giant centipede is the first time that scientists observed the snake's eating habits because they are rarely seen. Read the article to know more about this story.
Facebook users had mixed reactions to the post from Atlantic Shark Institute claiming that they detected a megalodon. Continue reading to know more about the post.