ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA new study demonstrates brain circuitry that’s telling zebra finches, what incoming information they need to pay attention to. Read to know more about this.
A team of scientists from MIT proposes using space bubbles to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. But would this work? Find out in this article how this would help Earth.
Two new scorpion species have recently been identified by high school students from California. They are called “alkali sink specialists.” Read to know more.
Spain has introduced a new heat wave naming system to raise awareness of this natural phenomenon that damages lives and the economy. Read the article to learn more.
Scientists wanted to understand the impacts of land modification on small mammals in the Anthropocene. They found out that human activities played a role as well. Continue reading to know more about the study.
People did not listen to the officials' advice to keep their distance from the celebrity walrus, Freya, so the officials decided to kill her. Read more to understand why the authorities had to do it.
A woman from Hertfordshire was surprised to see what she initially thought was a "shark with wings," but a closer inspection revealed it was the sex-crazed moth. Check out this insect that is known for its mating practices.
Prices of ketchup and tomato sauce may soon spike due to the record-breaking drought. How big is the impact of climate change on this? Read to find out.
An endangered shark has been discovered dead on an Australian beach after a colony of gray nurse sharks vanished 60 miles north. Find out more details in this article.
Fish have washed up dead specifically on the Oder river running through Germany and Poland. How has chemical contributed to this? Read to know more about it.
Using 3D modeling and engineering methods, scientists were able to crack the mystery of how sauropods were able to support their gigantic bodies on land. Read the article to learn more.