People did not listen to the officials' advice to keep their distance from the celebrity walrus, Freya, so the officials decided to kill her. Read more to understand why the authorities had to do it.
A woman from Hertfordshire was surprised to see what she initially thought was a "shark with wings," but a closer inspection revealed it was the sex-crazed moth. Check out this insect that is known for its mating practices.
Prices of ketchup and tomato sauce may soon spike due to the record-breaking drought. How big is the impact of climate change on this? Read to find out.
An endangered shark has been discovered dead on an Australian beach after a colony of gray nurse sharks vanished 60 miles north. Find out more details in this article.
Fish have washed up dead specifically on the Oder river running through Germany and Poland. How has chemical contributed to this? Read to know more about it.
Using 3D modeling and engineering methods, scientists were able to crack the mystery of how sauropods were able to support their gigantic bodies on land. Read the article to learn more.
A new study revealed that the Earth is fast approaching mass extinction and many ecologists say we're currently in that stage but it's not happening soon. Keep on reading the article to learn about the new study that contradicts the previous findings.
Norway officials warn the public that they may have to euthanize Freya, the celebrity walrus, if the people would continue to approach her. Read on to know the full story.
A study on primates show that female monkeys with female friends tend to live longer, but no survival benefits were found linked to heterosexual friendships. Read the article to know how this could be an evolutionary precursor to human rituals.
Worms are champion sniffers due to their possession of roughly 1,300 odorant receptors whose discovery started 30 years ago. Read to know more about it.
T. Rex does not have a circular eye. Instead, it is smaller to create more room for its jaw muscle. Do you want to know the shape of its eyes? Continue reading this article to get the latest update.
Computer simulation shows the consequences of greenhouse gas emission levels and temperature. Check out this article to know how people can improve or worsen global warming.