SPACEScientists use a novel methodology to gauge the emissions in the atmosphere. Continue reading to know how this new method assesses the effectiveness of ozone layer protection measures and emission impacts.
Scientists examine members of the Plethodontidae, the dominant species of salamanders, to understand how they developed lungs as an embryo but mysteriously loses it. Read the article to find out why.
Researchers developed an electronic nose or e-nose to monitor the presence of bacteria, specifically nanoplastics in the air. Read to know more about it.
Researchers argue that putting Fitbit-inspired devices on urban trees will provide data valuable for agriculture, which is vital for future climate change monitoring. Find out more about it in this article.
The previously submerged dinosaur footprints were believed to be mostly from an Acrocanthosaurus, which was 15 feet in height and weighs about 7 tons. Check out these ancient tracks in this article.
A new horned dinosaur is discovered in San Juan Basin in New Mexico, which belongs to the family of triceratops. Read on to know more about the species.
Using a machine-learning algorithm, a research team is learning which olive trees are inclined to get more infected than others. Read to know more about it.
A study demonstrates that components of skeletons of common sea urchins are following the Voronoi pattern. What does this behavior mean? Read to know more.
A new recycling technology converts plastic into useful products. Researchers demonstrate how “upcycling” makes plastics functional. Read to know more.
More than 30 dogs have died from the parvo-like virus in Otsego County and nearby counties in northern Michigan and not one infected dog has survived it. Read the article to know more about this story.
Continue reading to learn why the Neolithic people scattered crystals on graves. Archaeologists from the University of Manchester uncovered several rock crystals at a massive Neolithic structure (6,000 BC to 3,000 BC) in Dorstone Hill, England.