ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATERangers shot the infamous Kowanyama crocodile in the Western Cape York despite its potential icon status. Find out why they did it.
The Eastern Settlement in Greenland once held a rich Viking culture. Learn more about the possible reasons why the Norse people mysteriously vanished from the place.
Great white sharks are great predators that are feared by many. Keep reading to find out how these apex predators secretly live social lives that may have been brought by environmental changes in the Guadalupe Islands.
The Chengjiang Biota is the oldest and most diverse assemblage of the first bilaterian animals. Read on to find out how these symmetrical animal ancestors adapted to the stressful environment of early Earth more than 500 million years ago.
The Bering land bridge served as a connection between Asia and America. See more to why new research contradicts what we first thought about Beringia, and how it affected the migration between the eastern and western continents.
Check out this East Indigo snake that can grow up to 8ft found in Alabama only for the second time in 60 years! The find proves that the Indigo project was successful.
The neolithic age contains the foundations of lifestyles we have in the modern world. See more about a new discovery from one of the age's first successful cities.
Sulfur gases that circled the world for years led to climate cooling and contributed to the mass extinction of dinosaurs. Read more to find out the details.