ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearch recently revealed how toxins from sea snails can potentially treat certain conditions like cancer, among others. Learn more about the possibility here.
Studies on invertebrate emotions are now increasing. Read more about the insights of scientists regarding the current understanding of emotions in animals.
ETH Zurich researchers have developed a new approach for more effective plastic recycling. Learn how the material is broken down into molecular building blocks.
Each country is responsible for certain levels of global greenhouse gas emissions. Read on to know which age group holds the most carbon footprint to date.
Machu Picchu holds stunning evidence of ancient life in high-altitude places. Read on to know about the discovery of the lost city of Inca, and how experts corrected the name of the ruins.
The Eastern Settlement in Greenland once held a rich Viking culture. Learn more about the possible reasons why the Norse people mysteriously vanished from the place.
Great white sharks are great predators that are feared by many. Keep reading to find out how these apex predators secretly live social lives that may have been brought by environmental changes in the Guadalupe Islands.
The Chengjiang Biota is the oldest and most diverse assemblage of the first bilaterian animals. Read on to find out how these symmetrical animal ancestors adapted to the stressful environment of early Earth more than 500 million years ago.
The Bering land bridge served as a connection between Asia and America. See more to why new research contradicts what we first thought about Beringia, and how it affected the migration between the eastern and western continents.