TECH & INNOVATIONA Google Maps user was shocked upon seeing the mysterious blood lake in the Black Hills National Forest in South Dakota. Read the article to know how this lake has turned red.
Flower unseen colors serve as a bulls-eye for insect pollinators, according to new research. Find out how the invisible substance contributes to pollination.
The 65 giant stone jars discovered in India possibly contained cremated remains, according to researchers of the study. Know more about the recent find here.
Cockroaches are dubbed the ultimate survivors after surviving the major extinctions in history. Find out how these insects managed to live beyond the dinosaurs and whether they will outlive humans too.
A new study found that monkeys actually consume alcohol from fruits. Read more about the ethanol diet of primates, and what it offers to the study of human's love for booze.
The world's strongest waste bag will be made of 50 % recycled plastics while remaining equally strong. The Swedish manufacturer Paxxo sends a clear signal to the wastewater industry that it is possible to develop sustainable solutions even in the most extreme environments.
Despite conventional theories, the desert breathes humid air similar to organisms. Read on to find out how vapor escapes sand dunes like small scale chemical reactions.
Parrots live long lives compared to their body size. A recent study suggests that it may have a relationship with the birds' large brains. Read on to find out more about the relationship between intelligence and life expectancy in parrots.
The animal rescued by a woman was initially thought to be a dog but was, later on, confirmed by a veterinarian as a coyote. Learn more about the species’ differences.
In a recent deep dive, researchers were delightfully surprised by a strawberry-colored squid with one bulbous yellow eye and a smaller black eye. Read on to find out more about the bizarre strawberry squid.
The 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption caused a widescale impact not just to the island, but also to many parts of the planet. Read why the volcano reached an explosion comparable to Mount Pinatubo.