ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists discovered the remains of flying reptiles in an ancient cemetery in Chile's Atacama Desert. Continue reading to know the details.
The strange creature washed ashore in Australia is nearly identified. Find out what is said about if it is a possum, kangaroo, or extraterrestrial creature.
The US government declared the Dixie Valley toad an endangered species. Read to know how a geothermal plant in Nevada could result in the toad's extinction.
Researchers have strongly focused their work on what Greenland sharks are eating and the amount of food they consume. Learn more about these sharks' diets here.
A new study found that coffee beans are bigger and more plentiful and that’s because of the teamwork between birds and bees. Learn more about the team up here.
Charles Darwin and other naturalists have noticed that birds in tropic regions are much more colorful compared to other parts of the world. See how experts proved this early observation today.
A new archaeological find in Wales presented remains and artifacts from different time periods of early history. Read on to know what experts found at this roadside site near Barry's Five Mile Lane.
The world's largest bee was once thought to be extinct, but it just got elusive. Check out how wildlife experts work together to find Wallace's giant bee.
The Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness we see today is not what it is in prehistory. Check out how it formed to its current terrain and the beasts that first resided in the place.
There are many ancient Egypt achievements humans find impressive even today. These include writing and abacus, among others. Discover more of these inventions.
A rare sighting of a massive 'living dinosaur' was documented in Alberta, Canada. Read on to know how a couple grappled with the gigantic fish and get it back to the waters of Fraser River.