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01.19.2021 21:24 PM
Cats spend most of their day sleeping. Researchers theorize that it may be due to ecological factors.
01.19.2021 02:40 AM
The new novel mosquito's discovery on Guantanamo Bay reveals how globalization is threatening to release the next pandemic.
01.19.2021 01:45 AM
Large companies are pouring money into carbon removal technologies as they are pressured to act on the global climate crisis.
01.19.2021 00:45 AM
A new study reveals that young Seychelles warblers have better odds, thanks to "babysitter" birds assisting their parents.
01.19.2021 00:10 AM
The discovery of Argentinosaurus, believed to have traveled the world from the Jurassic period around 100 million years ago, was recently revealed.
01.18.2021 23:50 PM
Animals feel cold but at different temperatures, which leads to different forms of adaptation and body temperature regulation mechanisms.
01.18.2021 22:50 PM
For over two centuries, scientists believe that fleas are related to beetles or flies, but they finally found the "sisters of all the fleas."
01.18.2021 22:35 PM
Researchers sequenced the longest genome sequence of any animal from the Australian lungfish - descendants of the first fish that crawled out of the sea.
01.18.2021 21:01 PM
Putting up solar panels in your homes might help save energy. But is it worth it? Here are some ways to find out.
01.18.2021 01:24 AM
Archaeologists announced the discovery of a new treasure trove at Egypt's Saqqara Necropolis after finding 50 sarcophagi along with the funeral temple of Queen Naerit, the wife of King Teti.
01.18.2021 00:53 AM
Some beetles, like the burying beetles, in particular, are found to have been digging to hide scents of decomposing bounty to keep the rivals away and have something to feed their future offspring.
01.17.2021 22:55 PM
Joe, the racing pigeon, might be saved from the death penalty after authorities found that its leg tag did not come from the US -- which means it is fake.
01.17.2021 21:08 PM
Research suggests saber-toothed cats came from the same litter and were still under the care of their mother.
01.17.2021 00:20 AM
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the yearly Isle Royale Wolfe and Moose Study that began in 1959 will have to be canceled.
01.16.2021 23:51 PM
Mount Semeru, Indonesia's highest volcano sitting on its most densely populated island of Java, has started spewing hot clouds on Saturday, January 16.
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