Atmospheric CO2 Predicted To Increase By 50% in 2021

Met Office UK predicted a 50% increase in atmospheric CO2 in 2021. Despite the decrease in carbon emissions in 2021, the Met Office UK predicts a 50% increase in CO2 emissions from pre-industrial times.

Nonnative Birds Take Charge in Oahu Seed Dispersal

Researchers discovered that nonnative birds in the island of Oahu, Hawaii, plays a greater role in seed dispersal - with most of the seeds found belonging to plant species also nonnative to the island.

3D Printing Helps Rehabilitate Vital Coral Reefs in Hong Kong

Scientists use 3D printed terracotta tiles to help restore coral reefs in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. Scientists from the University of Hong Kong are utilizing 3D printed artificial reefs to mimic brain corals and help regenerate the coral reef population in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park.

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