TECH & INNOVATIONThe growing population of the world also threatens food resources but some agricultural startup companies have seen how AI-controlled vertical farms could solve that problem.
One of the longstanding puzzles in agricultural science is the supposed resistance of apples and cucumbers to the same pathogen that ravaged potatoes - and researchers might have found a way to turn nonhost resistance into an agricultural advantage.
The United States has officially recorded its first case of the new and more contagious COVID-19 in Colorado, Gov. Jared Polis confirmed Tuesday, December 29.
A team of archaeologists from Kemerovo State University in Russia has created a 3D model representing part of the Tepsei archaeological site as a part of ongoing studies on the location.
Researchers were unable to trace the origins of pterosaurs for 200 years, but a new study sheds light on the mystery of the first-known flying vertebrates.
Priarcodon fruitaensis, an early mammal, was well adapted for powerful and precise biting. It also had a diverse faunivorous diet that possibly comprised insects and small vertebrates, a study found.
Archaeologists discover a thermopolium - the ancient equivalent of a fast-food eatery - in the city of Pompeii, offering insights on dining and tastes of the people at the time.
Experts hope to find the deepest ice cores drilled from the continent of Antarctica. They aim to gather samples that are as much as 1.5 million years old.