8 Remarkable Things About Spiders

Even though all spiders are known to have venom, only a few are said to be dangerous to humans. For many people, the mere thought of spiders invokes pictures of tarantulas, wolf spiders, and other terrifying creatures.
Science Times - Study Shows the Long-Term Impacts of Yelling at a Dog

Long-Term Impacts of Yelling at a Dog

A study finds that 'aversive training' like positive punishment, as well as negative reinforcement, could result in long-term impacts on the mental state of the dog.
Science Times - 5 Ways to Reduce Your Christmas Tree’s Carbon Footprint

5 Ways to Reduce Your Christmas Tree’s Carbon Footprint

As you prepare to put on a new tree, you might want to consider one with a low carbon footprint. We're only a few days away from Christmas. While families already have their homes adorned with Christmas decors, they may still opt to have theirs decorated during the Christmas week.

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