ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATENew research specifies Colorado Potato Beetles had beaten"lead arsenate, mercury DDT, and dieldrin," and more than 50 other pesticides.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that Hawaii's Kilauea volcano, situated on its Big Island, has erupted Sunday, December 20, and warns of a possible "significant emission" of volcanic materials into the atmosphere.
A lot of unintentional tidal marshes, the same report said, were effective. They shield the shoreline and offer one of the richest ecosystems when it comes to "direct ecological and human benefits."
Even though all spiders are known to have venom, only a few are said to be dangerous to humans. For many people, the mere thought of spiders invokes pictures of tarantulas, wolf spiders, and other terrifying creatures.
Scientists have linked the mysterious skin disease found on bottlenose dolphins to climate change as its marine habitat's salinity has turned into freshwater.
A study finds that 'aversive training' like positive punishment, as well as negative reinforcement, could result in long-term impacts on the mental state of the dog.
Bonobos are found to be special among non-human primates. Previous studies propose these apes are developing human-like social interactions, not to mention deep bonds.
As you prepare to put on a new tree, you might want to consider one with a low carbon footprint. We're only a few days away from Christmas. While families already have their homes adorned with Christmas decors, they may still opt to have theirs decorated during the Christmas week.
According to the Henry Rapoport Chair in Organic Chemistry at UC Berkeley, the vision for this conversion is that one would "take a plastic bag that's of no value."
Yawning could be contagious in humans and other social animals. For the first time, researchers have found that even solitary animals display contagious yawning, too.