ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEClimate change is rapidly changing the Arctic region. As the snow is melting, it creates a new ecosystem different from what it was known as decades ago.
In a surprising signs of resilience, experts found that some corals can survive long heat waves. Growing ocean temperatures pose a significant challenge to the world's coral reefs, contributing to widespread bleaching events that have killed off large swaths of the oceanic populations.
NASA map reveals one global change since the COVID-19 lockdown. What does a pandemic-free year look like? NASA's new model intended to address the issue, exposing the coronavirus lockdown's impact on the environment.
China and Nepal jointly announced that Mount Everest has grown about one meter in height. But how did they measure the new height of the world's highest mountain?
The following article by Adam Ferrari, CEO of Ferrari Energy, gives an in-depth overview of fracking and mineral rights royalty payments to help you get the most out of your mineral rights.
Approximated '10 million straw-colored fruit bats fill the air.' The massive colony, the largest mammal migration in the world, is made up of the second-largest fruit bats in Africa.