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12.08.2020 04:10 AM
Scientists say, there is an explanation for the so-called "dung baths." As indicated in the research, horse poop has compounds that may help the animals in dealing with cold temperatures.
12.07.2020 21:00 PM
The Australian government is allotting US$1.5 million to finance an audit or major counting of koalas.
12.07.2020 18:00 PM
A new meta-analysis of New Zealand mainland ecosanctuaries recently found that about seven years of pest control is required before factors began to swing in favor of endemic birds.
12.07.2020 06:00 AM
Scientists discover a blanket made from over 11,000 turkey feathers woven into nearly "200 yards of yucca fiber."
12.06.2020 20:00 PM
Scientists recently said a small group of volcanic islands in the Aleutian chain of Alaska might be part of a single, undiscovered giant volcano.
12.05.2020 12:00 PM
Lockdowns created a positive impact on the populations of some wildlife. For the past months during the COVID-19 lockdowns, the world has seen how mother nature has taken over the planet back.
12.04.2020 19:00 PM
Experts estimate that 10 developing countries could escape economic danger worth at least $153 billion if they would have ample access to vaccinations.
12.04.2020 11:00 AM
Endangered blue whales, considered the largest animal known to have existed, have gone back to South Georgian Island after a century.
12.03.2020 20:00 PM
Invasive spiny water flea is eating the plankton that small fishes feed on, disrupting the food chain and ecosystem's balance in the Great Lakes.
12.03.2020 18:00 PM
Namibia has put 170 wild elephants up for sale due to the high number of human-elephant conflicts and the increasing drought in the country.
12.03.2020 11:30 AM
A new study points to the lifesaving role that pets have played in 2020 and why people need to take care of them more.
12.03.2020 11:00 AM
Scientists have recently developed an evolutionary framework to forecast how animals respond to a stressful situation or condition.
12.03.2020 08:00 AM
Based on findings, the team confirmed that insect wings "evolved from an outgrowth or 'lobe' on an ancestral crustacean's legs."
12.03.2020 06:00 AM
In astonishing aerial footage, a shark is seen chasing a school of bunker fish off the coast of New York.
12.02.2020 21:00 PM
An eight-mile-long "canvas" filled with ice age illustrations of mastodons, giant sloths, as well as other nonexistent beasts were discovered in the Amazon rainforest.
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