ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe recent episode of "Climate Now" showed a closer look at melting ice and rising sea levels to understand further the real occurrence as the poles of the earth warms.
Farmers need to spread 15,000 kilograms of urine to have a hectare of land fertilized. There is a big chance that most of the food you're eating today was not sustainably farmed.
An anonymous Chinese man has paid $1.9 million (1.6 million euros) to purchase the Belgian racing pigeon named New Kim beating last year's $1.2 million for the male pigeon Armando.
The Saimaa ringed seal is highly endangered, with only about 400 individuals left in Finland. The Saimaa ringed seal are one of the rarest fresh-water seals in the world.
The Irish government proposed to have 22 million trees planted annually. Ireland, also known as the Emerald Isle, will be fighting climate change through a reforestation project of planting 22 million trees every year.
Chinese scientists have recently discovered what's described as "some puzzling stuff in deep-sea rock" that may provide a new and better understanding of the origins of life.
Sleep style varies considerably across the animal kingdom. Do you ever wonder why humans animals sleep? Science reports have it that the reason for this hasn't been pinpointed yet.
Saqqara is one of Egypt's most valuable necropolis where archaeologists continue to discover new artifacts underground. The most recent discovery is over 100 decorated coffins.
A mushroom hunter unearths an intricately patterned Bronze Age sword dating back 3,300 years ago. A man hunting for mushrooms found an intricately designed sword in a forest in the Czech Republic.
Scientists believe that the group of orcas' behavior is related to play. A group of rogue killer whales has been attacking boats off the coast of Spain and Portugal, and it is getting worse and worse, experts said.
Birds may be able to survive warmer temperatures in the coming years, a new study determines. However, climate change may affect them indirectly as well.