ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe common history of humans and cats began 10,000 years ago but the origin of their relationship remains unknown as well as the role of cats in the lives of a contemporary human.
Curious to see how old your dog is in human age? Check out the new formula researchers came up with and easily use your phone to calculate your pup's age.
Beluga whales can form extensive social networks, even across distances, a new study finds. The sea creatures communicate through echolocation, just like killer whales and bats, that allow them to communicate with other individuals from far away.
In the first half of 2020, the deforestation record of the Brazilian Amazon has increased by 25% according to the official data released on Friday increasing pressure on Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro to stop his plans on developing the region.
Paleontologists link a gigantic killer dolphin species, the Ankylorhiza, to modern whales. The parallel evolution of the two species began over 50 million years ago.
The United Nations Secretary-General calls for the use of clean energy, particularly as the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. He urges nations to stop using coal and cutting funds for providing for the operation of coal plants.
More species are leaning towards extinction, according to the new update released by the IUCN Red List. Among these species include 33 species of lemurs, the North Atlantic Right Whale, the European Hamster, and the Caterpillar Fungus.
Global warming is causing the Arctic Ocean to host phytoplankton blooms, the rapid growth of microalgae. This imbalance is causing a 'significant regime shift,' experts say.
The strangeness and speed of conspiracy theories these days have included the topic of the giant skulls found in Rome. According to these theories, the Vatican is suppressing the truth about them by destroying all evidence confirming the existence of the giant humans.
According to new research, rats are less likely to help a trapped companion in the presence of other rats that are not helping. This means that the 'bystander effect' exhibited by humans is also present in rats.
The fur trade has been exposed to be cruel and horrifying. Recent graphic footage revealed a mountain of dead bodies - foxes that have been tossed into piles after being beaten and stripped of its fur.