ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATECanada has various endemic wildlife species of conservation concern which are increasingly becoming vulnerable to extinction from natural causes as well as human disturbance.
New research suggests dogs are protective of their owners and that they would save them in times of danger. Although dogs might not always know how to do so, an experiment reveals they would attempt to come to their owner's aid when the need arises.
Procter & Gamble set a series of sustainability goals to reduce its plastic use by 2030. Plastic is a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials used in a huge and growing range of applications such as wrapping the food, sheaths bunches of flowers, holds liquids, or used as shopping bags.
Scientists reveal alarming rates of accelerating mass extinction and how it will affect future generations. They cited four factors contributing to the accelerating pace besides human activity.
Hainan gibbons are critically endangered primate species, but scientists believe this may change soon. Researchers have spotted a new gibbon couple, which shows potential for an increase in the species' dwindling population.
Billions of dollars worth of treasure stolen by the Nazis are concealed in 11 sites, including an abandoned well beneath the 16th-century Hochberg Palace in the village of Roztoka, in southwestern Poland.
Bluefin tuna populations may be in danger if conservationists lose fight against a Japanese fishery waiting for international certification and labeling.