ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearchers have found that even with whale-watching boats keeping a safe distance from the creatures, noise from the boat's engines could still reach them. Scientists say this disturbance has implications on the creature's health and behavior.
A giant wasp-like insect longer than a cotton bud fell from the sky and landed on a garden horrifying the resident of the house as it could be dangerous.
Valuable falcon eggs had gone missing at Peak District. Authorities suspect that they are being hatched for the black market, similarly to Jeffrey Lendrum's wildlife crimes.
A new study reveals that half of the Earth's ice-free land remains untouched by humans and that there is still hope in preserving it. The catch is that officials have to act quickly if they wish to maintain the remaining unspoiled parts of the planet. Click the link above to learn more.
Jaguar poaching has devastatingly increased 200-fold in the last five years, new research reveals. Due to the rising demand of Chinese consumers for a medicinal paste from the animal's carcasses, the scientists fear this might lead to the lessening of the species' population.
British diver captures an image of a seal hugging him while taking underwater photos. Human photobombers are great, but sometimes animals also join the picture in unexpected ways.
Research reveals breakthrough findings on the history of Aboriginal Australians through the discovery of a new tree scar and stone tool. Scientists find evidence that the community displayed cultural persistence during their time. Click the link above to learn more.
A type of bowhead whale, the Spitsbergen's had been hunted almost to extinction until the 1990s and was rarely seen after. But recently, the whales' songs were detected in the waters east of Greenland.
A woman finds a human jaw bone washed up along the shore in Umina Beach, NSW, as she was going for a walk. She secured the evidence and surrendered it to the police and will undergo further investigation. Click the link above to watch the interview.
Watch! Rainbow fish or the Trinidadian guppy, which spans less than an inch in length, tricks their predators into attacking by darkening their eyes and then swiftly whips its head before swimming away.
A 56-year-old woman dies after falling into a huge vat full of sunflower seeds at her workplace on a farm in North Dakota. Rescuers were able to retrieve her after poking holes into the tank, but unfortunately, she died despite their rescue efforts.