ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEAmanda, Woodland Park Zoo's 50-Year-Old gorilla, was humanely euthanized because of serious health decline. Amanda was struggling to finish her meals and became less active. She was also well ahead of the life expectancy of gorillas in the natural range, which is around 30-35 years
Usually, wildfires occur in the Arctic in July and August because of lightning strikes. Still, due to the unusually hot and dry season in June 2019, the fire season had started earlier. What causes the zombie fires in the Arctic? Should we worry?
New research reveals that UV radiation played an important part in previous mass extinction episodes. Scientists warn that due to continuous global warming, a similar episode could occur and affect life on Earth and cause mass destruction. Click the link above to learn more.
The alleged spy was painted pink and was wearing a ring with numbers on it. Since the 5th century B. C. , pigeons' highly useful abilities were put into use as they are trustworthy and reliable to deliver important messages to troops and spies throughout the World Wars during that time.
Five cuckoos had been recently trending on social media as followers tracked the travels of these satellite-tagged birds. Scientists from the Mongolia Cuckoo Project are calling this 'a mammoth journey.'
For two hours, the two large alligators are locked in what seems like a mortal combat at the 18th hole of the Hilton Head Lakes golf club in Hardeeville last week.
Scientists first discovered the glass frog in 1973 in Costa Rica, yet it was only in recent studies that they began to understand the tiny creature's unique camouflage attribute. It has a bigger message about deforestation. Find out here.
A 5.6 magnitude earthquake suddenly shook the studio on Monday morning while NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had a live television interview. She interrupted the host on the other line and told him how objects were shaking behind her. The quake ended after a few short minutes.